Monday, February 22, 2010

Outdoor fun

In between games of Monopoly and Sorry, this is what Ryan spent alot of his time doing yesterday. Burning sticks and dried up leaves with a magnifying glass. I am thrilled that this is an activity that he CAN do as so much of our outdoor activities, he is unable to participate in with us. In addition, the weather has been a little too cold for him to be outside for very long. However, yesterday we had a few sunny spells where Ryan was able to be outside for a little while. I find myself thankful for even the smallest things after having a child with such a handicap. There is so much Ryan cannot do. Last week, I think Ryan did have a small bug of some sort. Some sort of tummy bug that made him just feel "off" and not much of an appetite. Thankfully, it never amounted to much of anything other than 2 days of missed school. But, he did lose some strength in his arms during this time. This is not at all uncommon with SMA kiddos and especially during an illness. They can lose strength in a matter of days due to illness and sometimes, it never returns. When Ryan woke up the 3rd morning and still said he could barely move his arms at all, it began to worry me a little. However, by the 4th and 5th day, he had gained the strength back in his arms. I am so thankful for each and every movement that Ryan has and each and every activity that he can do independantly!

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