(Ryan-age 3)
My firstborn will be 15 years old in a little over 2 weeks! FIFTEEN!!! He will be considered an adult in a little over 3 years from now! This has been an interesting time for us all. We are learning continually. Not only is this our first child to reach adulthood. But, we are also faced with challenges of his disease. Letting him go and become independant has been extremely challenging. How do we let him go when he's still so incredibly dependant on us? Ryan lacks ability to do most any daily task...dress/toilet himself, brush his teeth, prepare himself a meal, get into bed, turn in bed. Even lifting a cup to take a drink of juice is difficult for him. So, you can imagine how we are torn of just how much we can let him go?? We can't leave him home alone (which he hates) as he could drop something (including his cell phone) and be unable to pick it back up or even more worrisome, he could choke and noone would be there to help him cough or suction secretions from his airway. We have always had the mindset of taking this disease one day at a time and enjoying each day we are given with Ryan. But, now that his future (adulthood) is SO close, we are having to mentally prepare ourselves for it more than ever!! Please remember Ryan and US in your prayers as we face these challenges together. I believe the Lord has wonderful things ahead for Ryan!
And he is such a good-looking 15-year old. I'm with you with these worries and fears. My Joseph has only half the experience of Ryan and with much less physical strength, but everytime I feared that he would not be able to do something, he always proved me wrong. Our kids are tough. And I am just so glad that God loved them so much to bless them with loving families who will do everything they can to support them and let them be as independent as they can be. I say that we should really just keep telling ourselves: one day at a time, just take it one day at a time. Oh, and I have another "expression" that I feel is so right, too: Every day is another chance to do over. I know that there is corresponding Bible quote, but I just can't think of it right now.