Monday, December 12, 2011

My boy

Ryan with cousin, Darren

Just a post asking for your prayers this season. Every year as we get ready to celebrate all of the holidays; along with the stresses and busy-ness of the season, I always feel an extra burden. Wanting so badly for Ryan to stay healthy. I woke up this morning not feeling so well myself and of course that is not a good thing when you are caring for a medically fragile child.

I also wanted to ask that you keep Ryan in your prayers for another concern. His right hip has been bothering him now for quite some time. Due to his disease there isn't any muscle holding his hip into its socket. So, it has actually been dislocated since he was only about 3 years old. At that time, the doctors told us not to worry about it as he would never walk. However, now it's causing him so much pain that it's affecting his sleep among other things. This morning, I was putting his shoes on him and he cried out in pain that his hip hurt. I hate this disease so much. But, even more when it causes my child pain and feeling helpless to do anything about it.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I hope you're feeling better, Lora. It really sucks (sorry if that word is unacceptable) when the caregiver is sick. Last weekend and during the past two days, I had been wearing a mask around Jojo. Sore throat, malaise, low energy. Oh, the worries we have, especially this time of the year and into spring. I'm sorry to hear about Ryan's hip pain, too. Jojo responds better to Ibuprofen than Tylenol for his pain. We'll keep you all in our prayers. Have a blessed and very joyful Christmas!
